Tuesday, July 7, 2009

"It's horrible..."

Today, I was asked to get a photo of myself for a press release for the school immediately. Unfortunately, I was at work when I was informed of this. I didn't have a photo and I had to frantically search my facebook/myspace... yikes. I found the "best" photo I could. Somewhere along the line, it was forwarded to Mrs. Harkins. She called me and told me that the photo was absolutely horrible! HAHA! No, that's just my face. I eventually was able to get a hold of Amanda and she emailed me the photo above. I still look like a goob, but it's 10298310940 times better than the one before that I took in Seagrove 2 years ago to check my tan...I think it might have been too late, and I might be stuck looking like a hot mess to the world... :( oh well! I'm behind the camera, not in front of it! right...?


Art Alley said...

You should have used the one you took in the red polo.. but hey, its you, you goob!

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