Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Low-Key Tip!

I've noticed that in any adobe program which offers RAW 16-bit editing, i.e. Camera RAW and Lightroom,  makes some automatic adjustments.  For some reason the programs are defaulted to add 5 points of black.  It's only 5 points, but in low-key photography the 5 points is crucial!  It can be the difference between separation and no separation.  You have to manually drag the point back to zero.  Try it out.  It will increase the shadow detail in your low-key photo greatly.  Let me know how it works for ya!


Amy Andoe said...

thanks Damian!!! Good Tip

Gerald said...

I noticed this as well in ACR and man it makes such a huge difference.

Art Alley said...

OMG! I was reading it but kept looking at the girl.... That's Amanda! Not sure why that tickled me...

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